Home LifestyleLiving Highlife Vintage Posters

Highlife Vintage Posters


Ex-Pat Rage’. ‘Friday Brunch’. ’ Home Delivery’. ‘Ravis’. ‘No Key, No Problem!’.

Highlife Dubai’s collection of brilliant vintage posters by Clare Napper perfectly sum up expat life in Dubai.

The former Saatchi & Saatchi employee conceived of the idea when she was working on designs for The Dubai Metro. Inspired by travel posters from the 1920s, 30s and 40s, she loved the idea of re-interpreting the familiar stories of modern Dubai in a foreign and idealised way.

Her idea immediately resonated with residents who continue to snap up the posters, stationery, homewares and greeting cards for personal mementos and gifts.

Louise Mezzina, Mojo PR

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